Since its establishment, SMC has been a leader in pneumatic technology, providing industry with technology and products to support automation based on the guiding principle of “contributing to automation labor savings in industry.”
Over the past 50+ years, SMC’s products have become established as a recognized international brand through sales, technical, supply and after sale services in world markets. Sales have grown to achieve a 30% global market share.

24VDC Step Motor Controller
The 24VDC step motor, LE’s most common motor, includes encoder feedback. It is ideal for transfer of a high workload at a low speed, and for pushing operations. SMC offers numerous controllers to operate these step motors, depending upon the desired relationship with the PLC. Step motors can be controlled by calls to a step data table, by pulse input from the PLC, or over a fieldbus network. A programless controller is also available.
The LECPA is a driver for LE’s 24VDC step motors. This driver controls motion by interpreting a pulse input signal from the PLC instead of calls to a step data table. Separate control and motor power enable the motor to be turned off without losing the encoder position. Additional features include alarm detection and in-range…

The LECP1 is a programless controller for LE’s 24VDC step motors. 14 positions with speed and acceleration / deceleration values can be set directly from the control panel. No setting software or teaching pendant is required. Separate control and motor power enable the motor to be turned off without losing the encoder position. Alarm detection…

The LECP2 is a programless controller exclusively available for the LEM series. 12 intermediate positions along with the 2 stroke end points can be set directly from the control panel. When LEM stroke adjust units are used, the controller’s stroke study registers end positions with one button. A reduced wiring option allows fewer inputs if…

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The…

The JXC73, 83 and 93 are 4-axis controllers for LE's 24VDC step motor driven electric actuators. Four electric actuators can be controlled within one package, simplifying wiring and economizing space. Further, the coordination of complex movements is possible. These movements include 2-axis arc or circular interpolation, 3-axis linear interpolation, and 4-axis speed matching. The speed…

The JXC92 is a 3-axis controller for LE's 24VDC step motors, compatible with EtherNet/IP™ fieldbus. Three electric actuators can be controlled within one package, simplifying wiring and economizing space. Further, the coordination of complex movements has been added. These movements include 2-axis arc or circular interpolation, and 3-axis linear interpolation, along with speed tuning control. A…

The JXC*1 is a single axis controller for LE's 24VDC step motors compatible with several fieldbus protocols including Ethernet/IP™ fieldbus. Actuator motors can be operated by calling a line of step data or by direct numerical instruction, each possible over the network. Futher fieldbus compatible functions include return to origin, alarm outputs and resets, parameter setup,…

The JXC51 and JXC61 are controllers for LE's 24VDC step motors. Enter up to 64 motion control step data with position, speed, acceleration, and pushing force so they can be called in any sequence by the PLC. Data entry requires laptop software or a teaching pendant. An Easy mode for data entry is available for…

The JXC*1 is a single axis controller for LE's 24VDC step motors with absolute encoders compatible with several fieldbus protocols including Ethernet/IP™ fieldbus. Actuator motors can be operated by calling a line of step data or by direct numerical instruction, each possible over the network. Futher fieldbus compatible functions include return to origin, alarm outputs and…

The JXC51 and JXC61 are controllers for LE's 24VDC step motors with the batteryless absolute encoders. Enter up to 64 motion control step data with position, speed, acceleration, and pushing force so they can be called in any sequence by the PLC using the parallel I/O interface. Data enty requires laptop software or a teaching…

The JXC*H are parallel I/O controllers for high performance 24VDC step motors. Enter up to 64 motion control step data with position, speed, acceleration, and pushing force so they can be called in any sequence by the PLC. Data entry requires laptop software or a teaching pendant. An EASY mode for data entry is available…